Business Cartoons for Business Presentations

Cartoons produced by professional cartoonists are are a great way to dress up a business newsletter, brochure, training materials or a powerpoint presentation.

Cartoons can break the ice and of course, add an element of humor. But cartoons are more than funny. A good, professionally created cartoon can go a long way in putting your target audience at-ease, fostering a feeling of belonging. Cartoons can help your seminar participants, presentation group or newsletter readers feel like they’re part of a group by relating with others to a like-minded funny situation, image or sentiment. I think that most people like to be around others who understand and appreciate the particular characteristics, circumstances and foibles of their common careers or interests.


Cartoons are a simple, low-cost way of achieving that goal very quickly. The minute that the business presentation participant or newsletter subscriber sees a funny, relatable cartoon, he or she may feel more appreciated, understood and part of something bigger.  All great ways of instilling a culture of team-building. If you need a cartoon for your next business presentation or newsletter, visit Smeltzer Cartoons by clicking here.


Television executives are laughing all the way to the bank, instead of laughing at their programming.

It’s been said that if you rent an old television show like, The Andy Griffith Show, you’ll notice that the actual program lasts about 26 minutes, without commercials. Then how do the networks today show the same episode with close to 10 minutes of commercials jammed in? Hmmmm…

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